Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Philip Turner

Photographer / Artist
Model Citizen
Former museum curator, and commercial advertising photographer. My undergraduate degree is from RIT (Rochester, NY) in Photo Illustration with a minor in Photo Science. I worked as an... more
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Philip Turner



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Philip Turner Model Citizen

about Philip Turner


Former museum curator, and commercial advertising photographer. My undergraduate degree is from RIT (Rochester, NY) in Photo Illustration with a minor in Photo Science. I worked as an art and photo history educator for many years. See more of my work curated by the Duncan Miller Gallery (Los Angeles, CA) and the Your Daily Photograph site hosted by that gallery in my links.


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    Great use of negative space

    • Thanks much for the kind comment. Always nice to read an appreciative note.

  • Use to slide down the hills at RIT on cafeteria trays during the winter months. I suppose students don't find that so entertaining these days.
    Most impressed with your work.

    • Left a brief reply on your profile too. Member of the Mutual Appreciation Society in good standing (or maybe just still standing) as well.

  • Thank you for adding my photo to your galleries!

    • Thanks for sharing your imagery with us. Seems there are many who also incorporated your imagery into favorites galleries. Classic studio work.

  • Philip there is so much visual information in your portfolio.... Love going though all your images. Outstanding.

    • Thanks Ray, you are very kind to say so. Still waxing nostalgically about Upstate New York, and I hope to get back there before my ability to travel and shoot are finished. I am also a fellow member of the Mutual Appreciation Society. Love your imagery as well.

  • thank you my friend !

  • Your portfolio is amazing. Thank you for commenting on my photos so I can see your work. I will take time to look at all of it.

    • Thanks so much Wilson. Glad I discovered your art as well. You have paradise to work in!

  • Thank you for adding one on my images to one of your amazing galleries!

    • Thank-you for sharing. I must say you have some fabulous monochrome images and I hope you'll share more with us. (I do love the two color images too)!

  • Thanks for the incredibly nice comments, really appreciated!

    • Beautiful work Dwayne, appreciate your distinctive imagery. Glad I had an opportunity to see and comment on your work.

  • Thank you. Of all the models I have photographed Mila stands out with the poses she has done.

  • Thank you for adding one of my images to your gallery! You have an incredible portfolio.

    • Thanks Joelle, I love having such a great pool of talented artists here and sharing each others work. Without this I might have never discovered your work and creativity. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

    • Thanks Guy. Your work is for me the epitome of what excellent mastery you have with lighting, posing, and tonal control. You really are a masterful image maker where you control all the elements: the studio. One of my instructors once told me (and it stuck with me) that when you're in the studio, you're god. You literally bring the light at your discretion and creation. Enjoyed the imagery you shared with us, will take more time to deep dive yours too. Many thanks again.

  • Philip... I just love photography and have an equal interest in both Monochrome and Color. I admit after all the years of shooting Glamour it is tough to give up color. Many scenes especially in nature still beg, in my mind, to be in color... I still find so much pleasure not only capturing existing light but being able to create light to get the depth and feel that my mind imagines. There are so many different styles and unfortunately so limited time to do it. I have always put your work on the top of mt list.

    • You are too kind. I appreciate your discerning eye as well. I left a comment on the image you responded too as well. Count me in as a member of the Mutual Admiration Society.

  • Oof..what a moving experience it is drifting through your collection. It reaches a deep place in my being that feels familiar yet epitome of landscape nude art. Honored to receive your recognition and a few personal praises. Please continue to share with us all

    • Thank you, thank you, thank you!
      We both appreciate you mentioning that- the photographer in all of my images so far are taken & edited by my boyfriend, D. Christian. I have him manually "tagged" on each image & my bio w/ his email until he finishes creating his profile. I'm so close to launching our website that we were hoping to have up & ready before becoming active to the public in other places, but I couldn't resist taking this step..

    • Thank-you so much for your insightful commentary and individual image comments. Very impressed with your own collection of nudes in nature imagery. I was instinctively drawn to them after seeing one image of you behind a beautiful wave breaking. Was hoping you'd mention the photographer too. I he/she is not here, please encourage them to do share here as well. Looking forward to more of your imagery as well.

  • Thank you for the "breath of fresh air" comment...made my day.
    Just finished going through your portfolio...pretty damn impressive! Made me miss living out west. Back then it was all landscapes...basically an Ansel clone.

    • Thank-you for your very kind comments. Your work was a very pleasant discovery. You might notice my "Ansel" influences in a lot of my nudes in nature. Hard to not be looking with the eye of the Godfather of sensitometry. Still have a difficult time with grain in my images (or pixilation in digital) because of the influences of the f/64 group.

  • Thank you for adding my images to your list. Some great work you have.

    • Thanks so much for the kind comments. Left a note on your profile too. Inspired imagery, I am going to peek at your work often.

    • You have some amazing work yourself. So many great images.

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