Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Mark Bigelow

Photographer / Artist
Mark Bigelow has been photographing shape and form for forty years. The subject may be architectural, a figure study or a vintage tool, but all his images celebrate a graceful... more
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Mark Bigelow



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Mark Bigelow

about Mark Bigelow


Mark Bigelow has been photographing shape and form for forty years. The subject may be architectural, a figure study or a vintage tool, but all his images celebrate a graceful intersection of shape and light.

His most recent work is a series of multi-panel figure studies. The Light Dance photographs are visual improvisations between dancer and photographer. The series Rosamund Still Dances explores the life and myth of Rosamund Clifford, (known as Rosamond the Fair in English folklore) who lived at Godstow and Woodstock, and was mistress to Henry II.

The Tools still life series highlights the sometimes overlooked design of everyday household items. The personality of the designer, the era and the consumer are all brought into the foreground.

The exploration of personal expression is central to the portrait and fashion shots. Most of these shots are environmental, and feature a range of models and styles.

Mark photographs with both film (35mm, medium and large format plate film) and digital cameras.


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  • Such a stunning portfolio. Really beautofil work!

  • What a wonderful and dynamic body of work. Very inspiring!

  • Hello Mark-

    I got your message and request to follow my photography. I've checked out your portfolio (Yes, all 7 pages) And I must say that I'm impressed.

    I think that it affirms my take on artistic nudes in that It doesn't have to be in black and white to be art.

    I am humbled by your request and I'm happy to return the gesture.



  • Hello Mark -

    Thank you for following my account on Model Society. I appreciate it.


  • We meet againin a different sphere. :)

  • Nice to meet you here too! :-)

  • Lots of fabulously varied beautiful innovative work in your portfolio Mark. Well done :)

  • Great to see you here! Such a beautiful collection of work. I’m honored to be a part of it!

  • Thanks for visiting SABB, and for selecting one of my images for your gallery. Love our images.

  • I adore your art!

  • A real pleasure to view your work!

  • long time no news 👋

  • Thank you for including me and n your fine gallery. 🙏

  • a very fine gallery well curated! bravo!

  • Thank you for adding my photo to your gallery! I appreciate it very much :-)

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