Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

A couple years ago, I quit photography as a hobby. My portraits were decent. Some of them were even good. I had been spending a lot of time on portraits because I love them, yes, but... more
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AtTheCrux Photo



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AtTheCrux Photo

about AtTheCrux Photo


A couple years ago, I quit photography as a hobby. My portraits were decent. Some of them were even good. I had been spending a lot of time on portraits because I love them, yes, but also because they were comfortable and easy for me. Unfortunately, comfortable does not help me grow. Growth requires failure, growth requires stretching, growth requires being uncomfortable.

I have four broad themes I am interested in pursuing currently.

1. I love the theme "Saturday Morning". To me this is a nostalgia filled set of photographs that represent the morning after a night spent with someone you love. It's casual and focused on trying to elicit those feelings of happy but slightly regretful longing for those people in the past that we miss.

2. "Friday Night" - As a counterpoint to "Saturday Morning", which is kind, loving, nostalgic, rose tinted... "Friday Night" is harder edged, sexier. I find it fascinating how many people can only seem to really let go and do what they want after dark. 9-5, M-F they wear normal clothes, and act like we're expected to in society, but then at midnight on Friday or Saturday night, it's neon lights, intoxicants, nudity, sexuality. We are so dimorphic and I want to explore both sides of that.

3. Struggling with depression for most of my life, and it was enough to derail my life several times. Many of the shot ideas I have revolve around depression, temptation and suicide as we struggle with our own inner demons.

4. I'd like to spend some time developing my skills in Chiaroscuro. I know this isn't terribly specific or novel. What can I say, it's timeless.

Not every idea I'd like to shoot may embody one of these concepts purely, but they influence everything I want to do photography-wise. If you've read this far, I appreciate the time you've spent. Please let me know if you're interested in working together, and exploring some of this shared illusion we call life together.


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  • Welcome to Model Society! You have a lovely portfolio. Can't wait to see what else you create with the community :) We're here to help if you need anything along the way.