Model Society

a celebration of human beauty

Thank you for taking the time to look at my portfolio. I've been modeling for 13 years now and love it, it's one of my strongest passions. I got into modeling when I got out of... more
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about D4everbecca


Thank you for taking the time to look at my portfolio. I've been modeling for 13 years now and love it, it's one of my strongest passions.

I got into modeling when I got out of high school when I was 18. Started out on and have been doing it ever since then!

I really like to portray my personality and hobbies through my portfolio. I will do mainstream shots but I'm looking to create ART and make myself stand out as a unique model. With that said, I LOVEdoing cosplay, fantasy, and stories that tell a story.

Now that you know a little about me, here is what I'm looking for in modeling:

I am seeking paid shoots, this is not a hobby-it's an actual job for me. I give 110% on all shoots and am a very reliable model. My rates are as follows, 2 hour minimum for all
Fetish/Bondage, Nudes : $100/hr
Implied full or topless/body paintings: $75/hr
Fashion/bikini/lingerie: $50hr

** Please do keep in mind these are my standard rates for shooting but I can try to work around your budget.**

I am not comfortable doing the following: videos, or doing hustler style shots-ie showing labia at any angle or vulgar leg spreads, I will do tasteful leg spreads like the book shot in my port.

*I do NOT do nudes for tf*, this is my body and do not model nude for free. There are no exceptions to this.*

I expect professionalism from the photographers and models I work with. If you're going to cancel please give me at least 24 hour notice. Last minute cancellations give the impression that you're not serious about shooting and aren't professional, thus I will not attempt to work with you again. If you don't want to shoot, please just say so instead of canceling last minute or not responding. I am a very reliable model and will cancel if need be. So I expect the same from everyone else.

I am NOT here to date anyone or do any personal favors. I reserve the right to bring an escort to the shoot.

Please have some reference checks available as I will be checking those if I haven't worked with you before.

Please don't be intimidated by all of this. I'm a professional model and love my job:)


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  • Welcome aboard. Beautiful work! Can't wait to see what you create with the community. Let us know if we can help with anything.

  • Nice portfolio!!
    Welcome to MS!!!